Monthly Archives: August 2012





These two photos were taken a day apart and both times I was responding to the combination of color, light, texture and shadow.  They evoke similar feelings for me and that is why I am sharing them together.

Remembering Spring


These are photos taken in the lovely courtyard of my office building, the Center for Family Life in Sunset Park.  The building and courtyard have been home to the Center for about 30 years and we will have one more spring there before we move to a new building.  There is deeply rooted history here.  I can feel it, though I have only been a part of the organization for close to 2 years.  Still, I immediately fell in love with the courtyard, a sanctuary for grabbing a peaceful moment, eating an outdoor communal meal, watching the children be free. Come springtime,  the magical magnolia blossoms carpet the ground with pastel playfulness and it takes me to another place all together.  I learned yesterday that construction on an adjacent lot will cause changes in the courtyard so I feel compelled to share these today, so that our enchanted space can be remembered.